Q.Shop for Managers


How Q.Shop can help your management team?

Quality managers and production managers in the office can see the latest stage of production of each job, right from their desk. Hence, they can provide a live response to customer inquiries. 

Q.Shop reduces the amount of paperwork and office administration. Thus frees the valuable time of QA personnel. Furthermore, Q.Shop, as a fully integrated system,  prevents nonconformities from being processed throughout the production and stops them as soon as they occur.

Q.Shop for Managers…​

Here is a list of how Q.Shop can help your quality and production managers:

  1. Lot Tracking
  2. Engineering Revision Control
  3. Centralizing External Reports
  1. ISO Compliance
  2. Audit Trail
  3. Expediting Estimation Process

1- Lot Tracking

Q.Shop automatically handles serial number tracking and lot number tracking. It collects all such information easily throughout the production cycle. As a result, in case of a future recall such information can be easily traced back to their source.

2- Engineering Revision Control

Engineering revision control is defined as the tracking and controlling of changes to any documents over time. Outdated and uncontrolled documents on the floor are a common finding during any customer visit or ISO audit. In other words, by eliminating paper documents you eliminate such nonconformities. Therefore, shop floor technicians are certain that they always follow the latest revision of instructions and procedures.

3- Centralizing External Reports

Q.shop helps you centralize and digitally collect externally generated reports by other equipment, such as CMM machines, balancing, profiler, vibration analyzer. Above all, Q.Shop makes them instantly accessible to be verified by the operator or the manager at any time.

4- ISO Compliance

Q.Shop saves a lot of time when it comes to ISO requirement by eliminating physical documents and stacks of binders from the shop floor. Consequently, it saves operators’ time by bringing all the required documents to their fingertips. Therefore, employees don’t have to search through binders to find what they need.

5- Audit Trail

Q.Shop automatically tracks, records and time stamps all activities and data changes by each team member. Hence, it eliminates any ambiguity in data flow or alteration of data.

6- Expediting Estimation Process

Estimators can accurately estimate the scope of a job directly from inspection reports, which graphically show all failed components for easier management and decision making.

Simplifying Quality Inspection.

Measure, monitor, and manage quality data throughout the production cycle or repair and overhaul process. We offer production workforce management and document management solutions.